Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Dream Big

Howdy ya'll! (Can you tell I miss Texas a little right now?!?)

Can I be truly honest for a minute? I'm deathly afraid of complacency. Of boredom. Of getting into a rut and not even knowing it, or for that matter, how to get out of it. I suppose this comes at a natural time in my life while I’m starting a career and indefinite job. I suppose it also explains my constant desire - no - constant need for change and action and adventure. While I think there is healthy component to this for sure, I also think my desire for newness can lead me down paths I don't really want to go. Fruitful desires require intention and pursuit and discipline.

Dreams, BIG dreams, are essential and I'm absolutely a proponent. But I think a lot of times we get so caught up in "today" that we miss the big picture or the bigger path that is leading up to our "tomorrow". You know, miss the forest for the trees idea? Are we living and pursuing today in the right manner to produce the tomorrow we envision?

So in response to this fear/desire for an adventure I decided to somehow create a daily reminder of what I desired my "tomorrow" to look like so I could make decisions and learn lessons from today to help me get there. (We are feeble creatures - we need big, obvious reminders sometimes!)

On another blog I follow (Check it out, she's awesome! http://jonesdesigncompany.com/ ) I saw an idea for a burlap covered bulletin board. I thought - THAT'S IT. I'm making a dream board. So first I did as Emily instructed and stapled the woven strips of burlap onto the cork board and it looked like this...

And then I personalized it, adding things that would remind me of what is important to me (I forget all too often), as well as motivation and symbols of my aspirations. So far it looks like this...

Still VERY much a work in progress, but so far on there I have...

Dream: Because, well, isn't that the whole point??

Picture of my Mom and Dad: An inspiration in so many ways, but especially in regards to family and marriage. I want a marriage as committed as theirs.

Picture of two orphans from Honduras: I have a passion for traveling and serving, and hope that I never lose sight of my aspirations to work with medical missions.

Flower: A) because it's fun but B) because I want to always make the conscious decision to see the beauty in life. There's a lot of bad out there. But there is a lot of good too; sometimes you just have to look a little harder to find it.

Metal Cross: Because that is central to who I am, why I'm here, where I come from and who I want to be.
Like I said, still MUCH to be added - this is only the beginning.

Dr. Seuss always did say it best, didn't he?
You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who'll decide where to go.
-Dr. Seuss
Tonight, my prayer is that I can always keep the important things with in sight, and never run out of dreams to add to my "Board".

*** Sorry for the poor quality of pictures. Best an old, dying cell phone could do!

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